Amex Recurring Bill Pay (UX/Conceptual Designs/Strategy/Research)
Based on the idea that an Amex account can serve as a paperless bill payment hub, we created conceptual designs for an online bill pay feature that would help users more effectively manage their monthly bill payments.
Serving as both a portal and repository where users can connect all their accounts directly, monitor their bills and credit card/bank accounts, set reminders and notifications (e.g. upcoming bills, late payments/fees, low fund warnings, out-of-pattern spending and suspicious activity, etc) and store statements and documentation. This tool also offers users a seamless integration of data from a variety of sources, providing them with a clear, actionable path (i.e. offering users sync suggestions based on transaction history data).
This would make it easy for users to see where (and when) their money is going, creating an opportunity to develop budgeting/savings functionality down the line. The collection of data from spend habits would help the app surface appropriate offers and insights contextually so it feels more natural to the user (rather than being barraged with generic offers and ads).
Authenticated users will receive alerts on their dashboard letting them know about upcoming payments, overage/late fees, suspicious activity, detection of recurring payments with the option to set up auto-pay, etc. User can adjust notification types/frequency in settings.
New User (landing screen)
A value proposition is displayed at the top of the screen to reinforce the benefits this feature offers a user. An authenticated user without any of their accounts connected is invited to explore the merchants with which they can set up auto-pay for recurring bills.
Instead of waiting for users to discover what is required to connect an account and approximately how long the process will take, it is provided to them directly. This serves to avoid overwhelming new users or confusing existing users; overall to manage expectations.
Selected Merchants/Connecting Accounts
Visual cues provide a sense of credibility, security and trustworthiness through the use and position of site seals and branding for external account login input fields (i.e. Verizon login appears as it does on the Verizon website).
Communication of whether the data entered was processed successfully or unsuccessfully.
This information display is presented in a single-page view that imparts at-a-glance information on which users can act quickly. The aim is to impart critical information clearly to users as they are engaged in time-sensitive tasks.